home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "includes.h"
- #include "installergui_data.h"
- /********************************************************************
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- static void __asm __saveds askoptions_hookfun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
- static const struct Hook askoptions_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) askoptions_hookfun, NULL, NULL };
- /********************************************************************
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- */
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- */
- /********************************************************************
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- * CODE
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- */
- long __asm igui_AskOptions(register __a0 APTR application,
- register __a1 struct FunctionEnvironment *localenv)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #endif
- {
- struct Application *app = (struct Application *) application;
- // the return value of this function
- long retval = localenv->fe_Default;
- // for later use
- APTR innergroup,
- // the new object
- obj = GroupObject,
- Child, TextObject,
- MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
- MUIA_Text_Contents, localenv->fe_Prompt,
- MUIA_Text_SetMin, TRUE,
- MUIA_Text_PreParse, "\33c",
- End,
- Child, innergroup = GroupObject,
- MUIA_Group_Horiz, TRUE,
- Child, HVSpace,
- // here we will put the checkbox buttons later
- End,
- End;
- // if DEFAULT equals -1 (means "all" choices on) then just set
- // only the choices, which have relates nodes
- if (retval == -1)
- {
- struct Node *node = (struct Node *) &(localenv->fe_Choices);
- retval = 0;
- while (node = sav_GetSucc(node)) { retval |= (1 << node->ln_Pri); }
- }
- if (!obj) { app->app_Error = GUIERROR_NO_GUI_OBJECT; }
- else
- {
- // no dynamically create the labels and the checkboxs an
- // put them together into the inner group!
- if (DoMethod(innergroup, MUIM_Group_InitChange))
- {
- int i,j;
- char *label;
- APTR checkbox;
- struct Node *choicenode = sav_GetHead((struct List *) &(localenv->fe_Choices));
- long num_choices = sav_ListLen((struct List *) &(localenv->fe_Choices)),
- columns = num_choices/10 + 1,
- rows = num_choices/columns,
- choice_id;
- // care for odd number of choices!
- if (num_choices > (rows * columns)) { rows++; }
- // go!
- for (j=1; j<=columns; j++)
- {
- APTR choicelist = GroupObject,
- MUIA_Group_Columns, 2,
- Child, HVSpace,
- Child, HVSpace,
- End;
- if (choicelist && DoMethod(choicelist, MUIM_Group_InitChange))
- {
- for (i=1; (i<=rows) && choicenode; i++)
- {
- // the node ln_Name holds the name, ln_Pri holds the related bit-number
- label = choicenode->ln_Name;
- choice_id = choicenode->ln_Pri;
- choicenode = sav_GetSucc(choicenode);
- DoMethod(choicelist, OM_ADDMEMBER, Label(label));
- DoMethod(choicelist, OM_ADDMEMBER, checkbox = CheckMark(retval & (1<<choice_id)), FALSE);
- // the hook
- if (checkbox)
- {
- SetAttrs(checkbox, MUIA_UserData, choice_id, TAG_DONE);
- DoMethod(checkbox, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Selected, MUIV_EveryTime,
- MUIV_Notify_Self, 3, MUIM_CallHook, &askoptions_hook, &retval);
- }
- }
- DoMethod(choicelist, OM_ADDMEMBER, HVSpace);
- DoMethod(choicelist, OM_ADDMEMBER, HVSpace);
- DoMethod(choicelist, MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
- }
- DoMethod(innergroup, OM_ADDMEMBER, choicelist);
- }
- // unteren space einfügen und fertig
- DoMethod(innergroup, OM_ADDMEMBER, HVSpace);
- DoMethod(innergroup, MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
- }
- // maybee BACK (if specified) or respect the swing mode
- if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, TRUE); }
- else if (!app->app_SWING_Mode) { igui_NameCancel(app, (char *) app->app_GlobalEnv[GENV_ABORT_BUTTON]); }
- // add the content to the gui!
- guistuff_NewContent(app, obj);
- //
- igui_WaitApp(app);
- }
- //
- if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, FALSE); }
- igui_EmptyPanel(app);
- return(retval);
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************/
- static void __asm __saveds askoptions_hookfun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
- {
- // data[0] holds the address of the "retval"
- long bitnum;
- GetAttr(MUIA_UserData, obj, (APTR) &bitnum);
- *((ULONG *) data[0]) = sav_BitChange(*((ULONG *) data[0]), bitnum);
- }